Travel Light :
Travel light will work as a Listing platform .
Supplier :
Suppliers Will add their Details and work area on Site ,
Suppliers can upload their sample Travel pkgs to showcase .
Registration Form
Deposit amount : INR 5000/-
Threshold limit : INR 2000/-
Agent has to recharge if limit go below INR 2000/-
Each new query INR 500/- will get debited from Deposit .
In case of non-conversion / no booking , INR 400/- will be refunded .
Process : Requirement will go to supp . in form of close email (with basic details like ‘Mr. Suresh enq. For Rajasthan pkg’ in subject)
If Supp. Interested he will Click to open the query with acceptance of Rs. 500/- deduction from deposit.
Or sup. Can reject the requirement if he feels that it’s not under his Expertise…. Query will go to the next registered supplier .
If supp. Did not open the email within 48 hrs , query will get auto close for him and Query will go to the next register supplier .
Client Fees :
Every client has to pay Rs. 100/- as nonrefundable amount while posting the query or Travel pkg requirement.
Query Form
Query will be sent to the Supplier who has a local office in the requested tour city or state.
If Client is not happy with cost or service and request to provide other vender , (request will get accepted and query details will sent to another supplier after informing the old supplier)
International Queries will preferably pass to international suppliers
In case an international supplier is not available it will be sent to a Supplier (Tour operator company )who has an office in the passenger’s residential City.
Queries for more than 1 destination
– Query to be passed to supp. Where max nights stay
– Query to be passed to the supplier for 1st entry city.
Travel light profit Sharing
40% income to donate to Ashram (Heartfulness)
60% income to use for operational cost.
Dear Brother ,
Did you show these basic details to brother Rishab ?
this is only for Tour operator , for Property owner we will keep Extra 10% Commission on base fare (Similar to TAC)
Once this is approved we can further Document the same in more details and can do a contract with the help of CA & lawyer.
let me know on the same.
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